When you are working hard to become self-dependent, an alternative or passive stream of regular income doesn’t hurt your cause. While you are at it working day and night to get your dream business idea on the floor, a fixed income coming in every month would only help you not give even if you stutter a few times. Even if your new business isn’t earning you much at the start, you can continue because you will have another stream of income to fall back on. Enough reasons to consider investing in commercial real estate.
Buying a commercial shop in Raj Nagar Extension or anywhere else is just not a long-term investment opportunity but it can give you passive income in the form of rent for as long as you own the property. However, you need to keep a few things in mind during the asset-selection process – property location, construction quality, property age, and more should be your top considerations. And Himalaya City Center, the first shopping mall in Raj Nagar Extension, fares tremendously well in all these accounts.
To begin with, this high-street commercial project in Ra Nagar Extension is located in the most rapidly developing places in the entire Delhi NCR ad beyond. Plus, it is located near residential societies so the people to whom you rent out your property will always see more footfall every day than some of the other shopping malls in Ghaziabad. Also, in terms of location, Himalaya City Center is located a few kilometres away from the dream project of the UP government – Jewar Airport.
The construction quality of this commercial project is top class and comparable to some of the most successful commercial projects in Delhi NCR and other locations. Property age is not at all a matter of concern as it is a newly developed high-street retail project in Ghaziabad. All these things and more combine together to make this commercial property one of the most sought after in Ghaziabad and Delhi NCR. So, people who buy a commercial shop for sale in Raj Nagar Extension, Ghaziabad, in this property, can expect double rental income as compared to other projects.
Also, leasing out commercial properties promises a rental income for a longer period of time, resulting in a secured future. Unlike residential properties that are leased out annually, commercial shops can be leased out for longer periods. This is why investing in commercial properties like Himalaya City Center is more beneficial. Also, when you rent out your commercial shop, you will have lesser vacancy risks to deal with. Tenant turnover is less likely to be high in properties that have so many things going for them, as already discussed.
As is evident, if you are not buying a commercial property for personal use, the next best thing to do is to rent it out. Keep in mind that not every commercial property will become a source of regular passive income and wealth creation in the long run. You need to select the right commercial property to enjoy these benefits. Pay Himalaya City Center a visit.